22 Oct 2019

Forthcoming lectures by Alfred Hospital WTMS Visiting Professor Jocalyn Clark

Dr Jocalyn Clark, Executive Editor of the Lancet
Dr Jocalyn Clark is visiting the Alfred precinct for one week, 4-11 November 2019, and giving a number of free public talks.
  • Thursday, 7 Nov, 12:30-1:30 pm
  • Friday, 8 Nov, 11-12 am
  • Monday, 11 Nov, 9:30-11 am
See detail about Jocalyn's background and the talks below.


Jocalyn is currently Executive Editor of the Lancet. She was previously a Senior Editor at PLOS Medicine and Assistant Editor at BMJ. She is an adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto. With a PhD in public health sciences and strong interest in global health, she is devoted to ensuring the quality and integrity of the medical literature.

Jocalyn is passionate about advancing women in medicine and global health. She is a recognized leader in medical writing, publication ethics, open access, gender, and global health, and has helped develop editorial standards across areas such as reporting guidelines (PRISMA, SPIRIT), competing interests, gender‐related reporting, and predatory journals. She has blogged for The BMJ, The Guardian, and Speaking of Medicine.

Free Lecture Series
  • Thursday, 7 Nov, 12:30-1:30 pm (Hospital Grand Round) 
Why gender equality matters for academic institutions, patient care, and the knowledge pipeline, and what we can do to advance gender equality
Venue: A+ Education Centre seminar room
  • Friday, 8 Nov, 11-12 am 
Writing editorials and commentaries
Whether pitching an original idea or accepting an invitation from an editor, writing editorials and commentaries takes a unique format, style, and tone. Learn from the perspective of a professional general medical journal editor how to maximise the readability and effectiveness of your editorial or commentary.
Venue: A+ Education Centre lecture theatre
  • Monday, 11 Nov, 9:30-11 am 
Winning the publication game
This talk provides an ‘insider’s view’ of the editorial process on how to attract editor’s attention and win the publication games. We will also discuss strategies for moving beyond local/national journals to international journals.
Venue: A+ Education Centre lecture theatre

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