22 Oct 2019

D.S. Rosengarten Prize event coming up! Abstracts close 18 Nov 2019

L-R: Professor Jonathan Serpell, Dr Yazmin Johari (2018 Rosengarten
Prize winner), Mrs Candice Rosengarten, Professor Wendy Brown.

Saturday 7 December, 2019 at 8am
ICU Seminar Room, 1st Floor, Main Ward Block
Abstract submissions due 25 November.
See detail below.


Surgical trainees (Fellow/ SET/ JDOC/ Intern) in all disciplines at The Alfred Hospital are eligible to apply and are encouraged to participate. The research project should be primarily based at the Alfred. Please contact Ms Jane Babarikas for full details on eligibility.


  • Twelve-minute podium presentation with PowerPoint slides, with additional three minutes for discussion.
  • The presentation will be judged on the following criteria: originality, planning and design, methodology, analysis, conclusion, presentation and discussion.


The winning presenter & project will be announced at the conclusion of the symposium. An engraved shield and $1000 will be awarded.

Closing date for abstract submission: MONDAY 18 NOVEMBER, 2019 5pm

  • Abstracts submitted after this time will not be accepted.
  • Accepted abstracts will be notified on 25 November 2019.
  • The abstract should be no more than 275 words, in a Microsoft Word document, with the following sections – Background and Aims, Methods, Results and Conclusions. 
  • Please forward submissions and enquiries to:

Ms Jane Babarikas,
Personal Assistant, Department of General Surgery
6th Floor, Centre Block, Alfred Hospital
Or via email to j.babarikas@alfred.org.au
On behalf of
Mr James Lee

Further details and advice may be obtained from Mr James Lee, Professor Jonathan Serpell or Professor Wendy Brown

Ms Jane Babarikas
Personal Assistant, Department of General Surgery
6th Floor, Centre Block
t 9076 3290  f  9076 3902  e J.Babarikas@alfred.org.au
m 0487 198 501

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