28 Feb 2020

Photo of the Week: #IWD2020 #EachforEqual = good for all

CCS's Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) committee 2020. L-R: Dr Jess Borger, Ms Alex Dimitropoulos, Associate Professor Justin Hamilton, Dr Michelle Zajac, Professor Sam El-Osta, Dr Caroline Gurvich, Dr Maithili Sashindranath, Dr Loretta Piccenna.

The group has organised a lunchtime function to celebrate International Women's Day on 2 March, see below for detail. ALL WELCOME! And all welcome to share the presentation on social media, using hashtag #EachforEqual. If using Twitter, add our handle @CCSMonash for an RT.

Details: CCS Gender Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (GEDI) committee International Women's Day  Event

Day & date: Monday 2 March
Time: 12.30 -1.30
Venue: Level 5 lecture theatre, Alfred centre
Chair: Prof Terry O'Brien
Guest speaker: Professor Freya Fowkes
Topic: Eliminating Drug-Resistant Malaria: How do we stop history repeating itself?

Abstract: The emergence of novel and multidrug-resistant pathogens is one of the most pressing international public health emergencies of our times. In this CCS IWD seminar, Prof Freya Fowkes will discuss the alarming emergence of resistant malaria parasites which are overtaking and becoming dominant in SEAsia. Should these strains spread to Africa, where more than 90% of malaria deaths occur, the consequences could be catastrophic. Freya will highlight her multidisciplinary approach which aims to understand the emergence and spread of drug resistance as well as to define strategies to contain and ultimately eliminate drug-resistant malaria.


Email: ccs.gedi@monash.edu or caroline.gurvich@monash.edu
CCS Intranet GEDI page (Monash staff and students only): sites.google.com/a/monash.edu/ccsintranet/ohse/gedi-committee
Senior Research Fellow / Clinical Neuropsychologist
Deputy Director, Women's Mental Health Division
Head, Cognitive Neurosciences Group
Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre

Chair, Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Committee
Central Clinical School

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