2 Mar 2020

2 March 2020 Neuroscience research updates

Dr Loretta Piccenna doing the equal sign
From Professor Terry O'Brien

I would like to encourage everyone to attend the monthly Neurology & Neurosurgery meeting this Monday 2 March (12noon - 1pm) which will be provided as part of the Departmental Seminar Series. Professor Geoff Cloud will present about 'Managing Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage the Alfred Brain way' in the Bernard Gillian Seminar Room (Centre Block, Level 4, Alfred Hospital).

I also want to flag that the Central Clinical School's GEDI committee have also organised a presentation by Professor Freya Fowkes for International Women's Day in the Lecture Theatre on Level 5 (Alfred Centre) at 12:30 - 1:30pm, please go along to support this important day.

We also have two new faces around the department - Professor Barry Kosofsky who is visiting us from New York Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medical College. He will be presenting his work at our departmental seminar on Monday 23 March, so come along and find out more.

Another face is Dr Ian Harding who is a Senior Research Fellow with expertise in cognitive neuroscience. He uses functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate brain markers and mechanisms of cognitive functioning and progressive neurodegeneration. 

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