12 May 2021

Congratulations to Habtamu Beyene on his PhD completion!

Habtamu Beyene
Congratulations to Habtamu Beyene on the completion of his PhD thesis, titled "Plasma lipidomics to define the relationship of lipid metabolism with cardiometabolic risk factors and type 2 diabetes". Habtamu was supervised by Professor Peter Meikle (Baker Research Institute) and Professor Dianna Magliano (School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine). The degree was conferred 5 May.

Advances in liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry over the recent years have revolutionized the detailed mapping of all lipid species contained in a biological sample. In this thesis, the relationship of lipid metabolism with cardiometabolic risk factors and outcomes was comprehensively examined, utilizing three independent human cohorts: 1) the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab, n = 10,339); 2) a cohort of young adults recruited in Melbourne (n = 241) and 3) the Busselton Health Study (BHS, n = 4,207). The findings provide important insight into the role of lipids in health and disease.

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