13 May 2021

Congratulations to Matt Snelson and Waheed Khan on DARP grant

L-R: Drs Waheed Khan & Matt Snelson
Congratulations to Dr Waheed Khan and Dr Matthew Snelson, both in Central Clinical School's Department of Diabetes, on their successful Diabetes Australia Research Program (DARP) grants, each approximately $60,000.

Dr Waheed Khan's study is titled, "Role of WZH2 in atherosusceptible vascular endothelium in diabetes associated atherosclerosis".

Dr Snelson's study is titled, "Using dietary therapy to slow the progression of diabetic kidney disease".

Diabetes Australia CEO Professor Greg Johnson said, “Another interesting study is Dr Matthew Snelson’s research into the effectiveness of resistant starch, found in foods such whole grains and legumes, in slowing the progression of diabetes-related kidney disease.”

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