7 Mar 2022

How female surgeons are cutting through prejudice and rising to the top in medicine

Herald Sun #IWD2022 special feature on three Monash-Alfred
female surgeon 
researchers. L-R: Silvana Marasco, Susan Liew 
and Wendy Brown. Image from feature: David Caird
Brigid O'Connell, a writer for the Herald Sun, has written a feature on Central Clinical School's female surgeon-researchers whose clinical practice is based at the Alfred, Professors Wendy Brown and Silvana Marasco and Associate Professor Susan Liew as part of the Herald Sun's special weekend edition for International Women's Day 2022. Brigid writes:

"In an Australian-first, the three top surgical jobs at a major hospital are all held by women.

"The Alfred Hospital’s director of surgery is Professor Wendy Brown, an upper gastrointestinal surgeon who was also the first woman appointed chair of the Monash University Department of Surgery in 2015.

"Professor Silvana Marasco is director of cardiothoracic surgery and operates three days a week performing heart and lung transplants, implanting artificial hearts or managing chest trauma. Spine surgeon Associate Professor Susan Liew is director of orthopaedic surgery. As one of the three per cent of Australian orthopaedic surgeons who are female, she tends to everything from quadriplegics and paraplegics, though to spinal deformities and infections."

See full story on the Herald Sun site: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/lifestyle/vweekend/how-female-surgeons-are-cutting-through-prejudice-and-rising-to-the-top-in-medicine/news-story/e044cf54b0baa245339a92069d40be20?btr=89fadd11dddad6fe36e5de1472ba80fd

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