7 Mar 2022

Winners of the CCS GEDI Leadership Awards

leadership awards from the CCS GEDI committee
The CCS Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Committee is proud to support our early career and mid career emerging and established research leaders through the newly repurposed Leadership Awards. 

These awards support researchers who have experienced significant career disruption, in particular through the COVID pandemic, that has impacted their research career progression and outputs.

The winner of the Early Career Emerging Leadership award is Dr Tiffany Phillips from the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. The Early Career Emerging Leadership award was targeted at researchers 0-7 years post-PhD (including career disruption), who show significant leadership qualities and potential to succeed as an emerging future leader in their field. 

The winner of the Mid Career Excellence in Leadership award is Dr Bridgette Semple from the Department of Neuroscience. The Mid Career Excellence in Leadership award was aimed at researchers 8-15 years post-PhD (including career disruption) who have shown excellence in their leadership and potential to succeed in their research field.

The use of the prize money is at the discretion of the awardee(s) but will directly support their research, with a clear focus on career benefit. We look forward to hearing from the winners in the newsletter in coming months to hear how their research is progressing.

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