31 Aug 2018

Video of the week: Department of Neuroscience

Monash University and the Central Clinical School is delighted to present you with a virtual tour of its new state-of-the-art Neuroscience research laboratories. Along the tour you will get to meet some of the world-renowned scientists working within the space. Professor Patrick Kwan is pictured above in a still from the video.

Opened by the Honourable Greg Hunt MP, Federal Minister for Health, 30 August 2018, the department is headed by Professor Terry O'Brien.

What's on at CCS 03-07 September 2018

Andrej Terzik is presenting
Tuesday 4 Sept 11 am
Central Clinical School (CCS) has regular seminar series and postgraduate presentations. Event notices are posted on the CCS Events calendar.

CCS staff and students can see details of both public and local events (including professional development courses, trade fairs and Graduate Research Student calendars) and deadlines, at the CCS intranet's Announcements page.

See CCS seminar index:  www.monash.edu/medicine/ccs/headlines/events-calendar

What's on at CCS 03-07 September 2018

Tue04/09/201811:00PhD Mid-Candidature Milestone: Andrej Terzic
Wed05/09/201811:30Seminar: Celine Pattaroni
Thur06/09/201811:30Journal Club: Craig McKenzie
12:00Alfred Grand Rounds: Sepsis. Every minute counts
Fri07/09/201815:30Dept of Immunology EMCR Seminar: Erica and Jen

Biennial AMREP EMCR Symposium: register now!

On behalf of the AMREP EMCR committee, we would like to invite you to the biennial AMREP
EMCR symposium which will be held on Friday 5 October 2018, on campus in the Level 5 Lecture Theatre, Alfred Centre, AMREP. Register here

7-9 Nov Monash University Translational Research Symposium

2018 MHTP Research Week
The 7-9 Nov 2018 Monash University Translational Research Symposium is an exciting opportunity to acknowledge the achievements and showcase the ground breaking research being conducted at the Monash Health Translation Precinct (MHTP). See below for details

Recent CCS publications: 25 - 31 August 2018

Research suggests that workplace violence in emergency
departments can be mitigated by data sharing.
Image: EP Monthly
Recent publications for Central Clinical School affiliated authors in the following departments. Note, browse down this entry for complete publications list. Linked headings for each section are to the departments' home pages.
  • Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
  • Diabetes
  • Gastroenterology
  • Immunology and Pathology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Medicine
  • Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC)
  • Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc)
  • Neuroscience
  • Surgery (including CORE)
  • National Trauma Research Institute (Trauma)

  • Monash study reveals mutation linked to anaemia

    A/Prof David Curtis and Dr Ashlee Conway during her candidature
    at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases
    by Anne Crawford

    Monash University researchers have identified a new mutation in a gene responsible for a process that is vital to developing the blood cells that absorb iron and generate haemoglobin. The mutation results in anaemia similar to that of an iron-deficiency.

    The researchers, in the Red Cell team at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases (ACBD), revealed the mutation in the TFRC gene, which encodes for the Transferrin Receptor, the body’s main iron receptor.

    CCS-GEDI celebrate Diversity and Inclusion Week!

    Ms Ashleigh Clarke and Ms Catherine Wong
    On Monday Aug 27 the CCS-GEDI committee celebrated Diversity and Inclusion Week by hosting a school-wide multicultural lunch that was catered by the Asylum Seekers Resource Centre. Approximately 50 CCS staff and students attended the lunch. The CCS-GEDI committee will continue to address issues relevant to gender equity, diversity and inclusion and looks forward to engaging with the CCS staff and students on these matters.

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