12 Mar 2021

Recent CCS publications: 18 Jan - 2 Feb 2021

Neuroscience researchers have found a strong relationship between
patient-reported adverse events (AE) and psychiatric symptomatology: Study.
Those with PNES paradoxically report greater physical AEs despite receiving
fewer anti-epileptic drugs. Patients who report AEs in clinical practice
should be screened for comorbid depression or anxiety and treated accordingly.

Recent publications featuring research as notified by PubMed during 18 Jan - 2 Feb 2021 from Central Clinical School affiliated researchers in the following departments. The below is not a comprehensive list. Most recent validated publications for the school and departments can be seen on their publications pages, linked to from the headings below. Otherwise, read down the entry for recent notifications.

Researchers Choosing to Challenge: International Women's Day

The CCS GEDI International Women's Day panellists.
L-R above: Profs Christina Mitchell, Terry O'Brien, Jayashri Kulkarni.
L-R below: Drs Vilija Jokubaitis, Danika Hill, A/Prof Caroline Gurvich.

By Zhoujie Ding, Alexandra Dimitropoulos, and Jessica Borger*

The campaign for International Women’s Day was first observed globally in 1911. Women’s rights have certainly improved 110 years later, but are still far from being equitable in both the home and within the workplace. 

The Central Clinical School's Gender Equity Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) committee’s first event of 2021, celebrating International Women’s Day, focussed on gender inequity in academic career development. 

3-9 March 2021 Central Clinical School recent publications

Can a diet rich in food containing prebiotic fibre lead to a
reduction in the risk of developing
diabetes complications
in individuals with type 2 diabetes?
Diabetes researchers Melinda Coughlan and Matt Snelson
are teasing out more detail: Study

They have also published a study on the effect on mice
of a high protein diet: it caused inflammation, potentially
damaging the kidneys.

Recent publications featuring research as notified by PubMed during 2-9 Mar 2021 from Central Clinical School affiliated researchers in the following departments. The below is not a comprehensive list. Most recent validated publications for the school and departments can be seen on their publications pages, linked to from the headings below. Otherwise, read down the entry for this week's notifications.

8 Mar 2021

Participants sought: How PrEPared are you? HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

Participants sought for attitudes to PrEP use

How PrEPared are you? Overseas born gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men and their attitudes toward PrEP and PrEP use in Australia are invited to participate in a study on HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) as reported by newly arrived (have been in Australian for less than 5 years) gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM). 

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