Dr Jessica Biesiekierski recently graduated, having completed her PhD with the Department of Gastroenterology. The Rome Foundation Board selected her paper entitled “Gluten causes gastrointestinal symptoms in subjects without celiac disease: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial” to receive the Rome Foundation Ray Clouse Prize for the Paper Most Cited on Functional Gastrointestinal and Motility Disorders, 2011. The prize was awarded on 18 May.
Erika Duan is a PhD student in the Leukocyte Signalling Laboratory, headed by Associate Professor Margaret Hibbs, studying alveolar lung macrophages. Erika won a prize at the Australasian Society of Immunology (ASI) annual conference in December 2012 for her presentation on how lung macrophages vary with infection and inflammation and the challenges of translating the mouse model data to understanding the human context.
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