16 Sept 2016

Photo of the week: Wet spring week at AMREP

Image: Stephen Cody, Monash Microimaging at AMREP. The umbrellas have been out in force this wet week, here lined up to dry under the scaled up microimagery on Level 6 of the Burnet tower, now the home of Department of Immunology.

Forthcoming CCS events: 19-23 Sep 2016

Dr Evelyn Tsantikos is in
A/Prof Margaret Hibbs' lab
Central Clinical School has regular seminar series and postgraduate presentations. All event notices are maintained on the CCS Events calendar.

CCS staff & students can see details of both public and local events (including professional development courses, trade fairs and Graduate Research Student calendars) and deadlines, at the Intranet's Announcements page. Various departments have their own calendars. See CCS seminar index: www.med.monash.edu.au/cecs/events/seminars.html

What's on for 19-23 Sep 2016

Wed 21/09/2016 11:00 Immunology Seminar Series - Evelyn Tsantikos
Thu 22/09/2016 11:00 Mid-year Immunology and Human Pathology Hons Literature review seminar: Ms Paulina Pajak,
Ms Lorena Goldring

12:00 Grand Rounds: Sepsis Chameleon
Cutting Edge Journal Club: Paul Gill

Forthcoming events


Recent CCS publications: Week ending: 16 Sep 2016

Heart patient at the time on the donor wait list wearing a
Ventricular Assisted Device, associated with loss of platelet
receptors. See article
Recent publications for Central Clinical School affiliated authors in the departments of Australian Centre for Blood Diseases(ACBD), Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc):

Australian Centre for Blood Diseases

Carrim N, Arthur JF, Hamilton JR, Gardiner EE, Andrews RK, Moran N, Berndt MC, Metharom P. Thrombin-induced reactive oxygen species generation in platelets: A novel role for protease-activated receptor 4 and GPIbα. Redox Biol. 2015 Dec;6:640-7. doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2015.10.009. Epub 2015 Oct 28.

Ethics process for weight loss surgery data needs slimming

by Anne Crawford

Ethics process for weight loss surgery data needs overhaul, say Monash researchers.

Monash scientists and clinicians setting up an Australia-wide clinical quality registry for bariatric surgery have called for a more streamlined national ethics review process to oversee data collection and retention.

Prostate cancer: we’re punching above our weight

Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor Jeremy Grummet is a
practising urologist at Alfred Health and researcher in Central
Clinical School's Department of Surgery. Twitter @JGrummet
"Prostate cancer is the second biggest cancer killer of men in Australia, and Australia is a world leader in its diagnosis and treatment. If you’re unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, you can at least be thankful you’re living in this country", writes Jeremy Grummet in the 12 September Medical Journal of Australia.

Welcome to Professor Velandai Srikanth!

Professor Velandai Srikanth
Welcome to Velandai Srikanth, newly appointed Professor of Medicine in Central Clinical School based at Peninsula Health!

Srikanth's research role is supported by Monash University, and his clinical appointment is with Peninsula Health. He will also be involved in overseeing the delivery of education to medical students, and contribute to the clinical activities in the Department of Medicine at Peninsula Health.

Srikanth comes to us from the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, where he was the head of the Stroke and Ageing Research Group and a specialist Geriatrician within Neurosciences at Monash Health. His research expertise lies in the clinical study of chronic diseases related to ageing, particularly with relevance to major health priorities including dementia, diabetes, cerebrovascular diseases, gait disorders and falls. His research has been funded by fellowships and grants from the NHMRC and the Heart Foundation. Srikanth plans to continue his research and develop new research initiatives relevant to the significantly ageing population in the Peninsula.

See more about Srikanth's research: www.med.monash.edu.au/medicine/alfred/research/srikanth-group.html

Congratulations to 2016 MIME Seed Fund recipients!

Magdalena Plebanski (seated)
has won a MIME seed grant
The Monash Institute of Medical Engineering (MIME) has awarded over $800,000 in seed funding, and a further $150,000 has been co-committed by CSIRO. 16 prize winners were announced. See detail on the MIME news blog. Congratulations to all involved. Central Clinical School researchers, champions and collaborators are bolded in the table below.

Tweet of the week: "It's not the size of your PSA..."

Jeremy Grummet is a practising urologist at Alfred Health, and an adjunct clinical Associate Professor with Central Clinical School. He has a keen eye for the graphic 'hook'. We retweeted, adding a link to the new PSA guidelines: www.prostate.org.au/awareness/for-healthcare-professionals/clinical-practice-guidelines-on-psa-testing/
Follow Jeremy on Twitter at: @JGrummet
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